Are treadmills good for weight loss?
If you have already used or bought one, you will know how it benefits you in reaching your goal. In case of unsuitable weather, it can assist you in achieving your 10,000 steps daily target. It’s undoubtedly a perfect exercise machine to nail your indoor run. To supercharge your running, you can pair it with headphones.
Here are some basics of how treadmills are good for weight loss:
HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)
This training involves the alternating steps of high-intensity exercise and rest. A study conducted in 2017 states that HIIT workouts can be beneficial in burning calories and reducing body fat in a small interval.
The main concept is to work hard for smaller periods and rest for a while between these high-intensity exercises. It’s very effective for weight loss as it burns many calories. In addition to returning to the resting state after a HIIT routine, your body metabolizes body fat for energy.
Here are some steps to do HIIT on a treadmill:
- Set the treadmill flat. To warm-up, your body walks at 2mph for about 5 minutes.
- Run 10 mph for 30 seconds.
- Walk at 4 mph for 40 seconds.
- Repeat 8 to 10 times.
- Walk at 2mph for 5 minutes to get rest.
Find your fat-burning zone
A treadmill workout to accelerate your weight loss works at your fat-burning heart rate. That’s the zone in which you can burn maximum calories per minute. To find your fat-burning zone, firstly calculate your max heart rate. It’s the maximum time your heart will beat in 1 minute of exercise.
This way, you will have all the information about how hard you have to work to benefit from weight loss. A personal trainer can help determine heart rate and ideal speed for the most favorable weight loss.
Get out of your routine
Another good weight loss strategy for weight loss is switching your routine. You can do it by changing your workouts every time you possibly can. Here are some benefits of switching your routine:
Reduces injury risks
It’s stressful for the joints to repeat the same workout every day. The same workout increases risk due to overuse and can set you back.
Avoid a training plateau
To get the best results, you have to challenge your body. The more you follow a specific workout, the slower you will get results.
Prevent boredom
By bringing changes to your workout plan daily, there are more chances that you will stick to your workout.
End Words
Using treadmills for cardio exercises is an excellent way to burn more calories and lose weight. If you aren’t sure which type of treadmill workout will benefit you, then talk to a personal trainer. He will create a customized weight loss training program for the best possible results by working with you.
You can also combine your treadmills workout with strength training as both exercise forms are beneficial in supporting health and weight. If you aren’t doing exercise for a long period, talk to your doctor before getting started.